What is the Livos Non Toxic Floor finish like?

The livos non toxic oils are suitable for all types of timbers as well as concrete and porous stones, these natural oils are easy to maintain and develop a warm and luscious sheen to the surface while providing full protection from everyday living.
The oils only contain 100% natural sustainably harvested ingredients, making them not only environmentally sustainable but have the added benefit of being good for your health too. Every product has a full, readily available ingredients list so the consumer can make a fully informed choice.
Being penetrating oils the surfaces are able to be rejuvenated easily, quickly and very economically with absolutely no sanding involved. Additionally, as the oils contain no toxic chemicals as long as one is able to stay off the area, one is able to remain in the home without any health risk or unpleasant odours.
Unlike the traditional polyurethane finishes the surface being treated maintains a very natural feel, so no more bare feet sticking to a plastic floor. If an unfortunate event happens, spot repairs can be carried out with minimal fuss and are usually well concealed. This is especially significant for those with precious heritage or recycled timbers where you ensure that vital millimetres will never need to be sanded again.
Overall a floor finished with the Livos oils will provide a beautiful natural look and feel for years, that is safe for those who enjoy the space as well as sustainable and harmless for our environment. Remember though to follow up with the correct maintenance.
To read more on the floor finishes please click here.