Indoor Mould

There are a number of issues where residents can be or should be educated to reduce a possible mould exposure. Mould spores are everywhere and only require the right conditions to create havoc. To some it will be no issue at all except that it looks unsightly however to many it could be life threatening. It is also interesting to note, whilst one is not affected by mould, or a chemical for that matter at this point in time, one can very easily become sensitive at a later stage.
In a damp environment, correct heating and ventilation techniques are critical. When one adds the drying of clothes inside a damp environment, only exasperates the issue. Often people in low socio economic groups are more often than not faced with issues of not adequately heating or ventilating their homes due to high services costs. This unfortunately works out to be false economy as what price would one put on one’s health?
Another consideration where a damp environment is an issue is to ensure that the paints and coatings used are vapour permeable. That is that moisture is able to move in and out of the various substrates. Moisture will always find a way and if the walls are e.g. painted in a synthetic plastic paint, mould will grow behind without it being noticed till it breaks out as a bigger issue than if it had been addressed much earlier.
Unless the moisture issue is addressed, removing visible mould is only a bandaid effect.
The Livos Fungiver Destroys mould and their spores, as well as bacteria. A one-time treatment against mould, mildew and their spores. Also acts as by mould-inhibiting and prevents new contaminations and is readily biodegradable.
It is suitable for all interior surfaces such as wood, walls, wall paper, tiles, breathable wooden composite boards. Due to its composition it is also suitable for upholstery, carpets, curtains and other fixtures.
As with all Livos products, having a full ingredient disclosure and ensuring all ingredients used in the Fungiver are of pharmaceutical quality one is able to make an informed choice.
Unless the moisture issue is addressed, removing visible mould is only a bandaid effect.