How did things really begin for Livos ?

Livos has over 40 years of research, experience and constructive innovations making LIVOS Germany the oldest industrial manufacturer of ecological paints and oils, World Wide. But how did things really begin?
In the early 70s in Germany, a small group of teachers including some hobby chemists created out of need, non-toxic finger-paints for their students. Once these safe paints became known, the teachers were flooded with request from schools and hospitals. They then started to develop paints and varnishes based on natural raw materials. The result of this pioneering work was the foundation of Livos (Pflanzenchemie Forschungs und Entwicklungsgesellschaft), Plant Chemistry, Research and Development in 1974. Based now in Wieren, in the northern part of Germany, Livos became the first worldwide industrial manufacturer of ecological paints and oils. These products are now distributed around the world.
Only products of excellent quality that are absolutely healthy and ecologically friendly are given the Livos name. Due to the ever increasing numbers of allergy sufferers, including those sensitive to various chemicals, Livos has openly declared the ingredients in all their products, and this is since 1984. This allows the consumer to make an informed and final decision. In addition, with extensive and sound knowledge and know how, Livos developed a specialised range of products for those with chemical sensitivities and allergy sufferers and this as early as 1988.
The Livos range has grown extensively to include a variety of all natural, non-toxic, biodegradable products from surface treatments to cleaning and maintaining. Livos natural paints and finishes are derived from plant oils, natural resins and waxes, earth and mineral colours rather than from petroleum and industrial by-products and do not contribute to global warming. Based on renewable raw plant materials the precious raw materials are grown under supervision and harvested in compliance with the principles of sustainable resources. With every last bit of the plant being used, the horses on the farm even get the husks as a treat. No product is ever tested on animals, Livos products are environmentally responsible, non-polluting, ecologically friendly, and emit no harmful substances. They are constantly monitored and quality control samples of each batch manufactured are kept for five years. Livos products do not contain synthetic fungicides or other synthetic poisons. An important component in most of the Livos products is linseed oil. Made from flaxseeds grown organically by farmers in northern Germany, it is cold pressed at the Livos factory for use as the main ingredient in oils and other products.
Livos uses around 150 natural raw ingredients in their plant based oils and paints as compared to approximately 15,000 in the synthetic chemical finishes. Among some of the raw materials are bonding agents such as natural resins, oils, glues and waxes e.g. Dammar, a light yellow transparent resin from the southeast Asian dammar tree. This is used in the wall paints and glues. It aids in preventing yellowing and creates higher elasticity. Pigments used are from earth, plant and mineral e.g. Goldenrod, a plant dye from the dried stalks, leaves and blossoms of the Solidago plant. Used as a textile dye it creates a yellow to yellowish brown colour.
Livos's sound knowledge in the field of plant chemistry is continuously extended and explored. It accepts the challenge of the future, be it in research, development or the constant improvement of existing products to ensure these types of safer natural products suit the changing needs of the consumer